GACC West | Arizona Chapter
The GACC West | Arizona Chapter seeks to increase commerce and trade relations between Germany and Arizona businesses while cultivating a vibrant German-American community where everyone feels welcome.
The Arizona Chapter is unique in that we have a large and active board made up of business leaders representing small, medium and large global corporations across most industries. All of us have extensive business experience and strong networks in Germany and the United States and regularly travel between the two locations. Our board is committed to further growth and partnership. When you join us as a member, we will consider you a key stakeholder in our mission and you will have full access to our board, extended GACC network and resources.
We will execute our Purpose by:
- Leveraging our networks to promote our members and potential German-American business leaders GACC congruent interests.
- Connecting the people of Arizona and Germany socially and culturally through meaningful events and partnerships with sister organizations.